CSLP - Education & Action

Pedometer Challenge

Great walking, Craik! In the March Pedometer Challenge, which took place March 20-26, thirty Craik residents took part in the challenge to see how far we can walk as a community. The CSLP health committee loaned out pedometers to people (or they used their own) to count up the steps taken for the week long challenge. The total number of steps was 1 513 894, or 1211 km. That is the distance from Craik to Minneapolis! Wow! We had some interesting participants this challenge. For example, the entire grade 9 class at Craik School took the challenge. Thanks Mr. Mihalicz for organizing that. Also, we had two of our regular walkers, Glenn Hymers and Brenda Heaslip take the challenge from their holiday in Florida.

The November Pedometer Challenge saw 24 participants walk a total of 1,000,383 steps. Great job! Every step counts! Even if you don't think you walk very much, all the steps are added together for the total. All of the participants who got their numbers back to me quickly were entered into a draw for some in-motion merchandise. Our winners are: Webb Lee (t-shirt), Hannah Lee (blinker), Susan Anderson (blinker), Aurora ter Heide (frisbee), Sky Stinson (shoe laces), Josh Taylor-Faye (reflector) and Jo McAlpine (reflector).

A pedometer challenge took place in Craik on October 3-10. We went an extra day to accomodate the Thanksgiving holiday. The total number of steps for the 25 participants was 1,478,884. This is equivalent to thr group walking about 1183km. Good job, walkers! Some of the participants took advantage of the indoor walking program at Craik school gymnasium, which is now open from 9:50am to 10:50am Monday through Fridays. Thanks to the Craik school for this space!

The last pedometer challenge of the season took place May 3-9, 2011 and the 26 participants did a great job of walking! Adding up everyone's steps, a total of 1,365,583 steps were taken during the week by the walkers. This works out to be about 1092 km. If we add this to the kilometres traveled during the other 2 pedometer challenges this spring (February and March), the grand total was 3957km. How far is that? It is all the way to Cuba! Great job Craik!

Many of the participants came out to the school each weekday from 10-10:50 for the Craik walking program. The walking program will continue to be available until the end of June, when school is out for the summer. It has been great weather for walking outside lately, but for those windy or rainy days it sure is nice to have the Craik School gym available for walking!

March 2011 Pedometer Challenge Results

There were 39 participants in the latest pedometer challenge, which took place from March 15-21. Thanks to all who participated! The total number of steps of all 39 of the participants for the week was just over 1.8 million, or 1,868,964 steps. This works out to be a total distance of 1495 km. If we add this to our February total of 1370 km, we have walked 2865 km for February and March. Where would this take us? If we go
west, we are about 1500 km off the coast of Canada somewhere in the Pacific Ocean; if we go north, we are getting closer to the North pole, and would almost certainly meet a polar bear or two; going east we would almost get to St John, New Brunswick; and if we were to head south, we would be in northern Mexico. Considering the cold "spring" weather we have been having, I would suggest we head south to Mexico!
Our next challenge will be in April, so please watch for posters and if you would like to be notified by email when they come up, please email stinson@canwan.com and I will do that. Every step counts! The walking program at the Craik School Gym is open Mondays to Fridays from 10-10:50 for people who would like to walk or run indoors.

February Pedometer Challenge results

There were 35 participants for the February 1-7, 2011 pedometer challenge. Thanks to all who participated! The total steps taken this week were over 1.7 milion - 1 712 877 to be exact. That makes an average of 6991 steps per person per day, and a total distance of 1370 km. Where does 1370 km take us? Well, if you go west, that would be Vancouver Island, east is just past Thunder Bay, south is Denver, Colorado and north is almost half way to the North Pole. I think we should choose a direction and then continue our voyage during the next pedometer challenge, in March. If you have an opinion on which direction we should go, please let me know! The next Pedometer Challenge will be March 15-21, 2011.

Craik Community Indoor Walking Program

Many of the participants in the pedometer challenge have been taking part in the Craik Community Indoor Walking Program that is currently being offered at the Craik School gym. Thanks very much to the Craik School for hosting this walking program, and thanks to the Five Hills Health Region and the Craik Sustainable Living Project health committee who initiated this program. Please continue to come out for walking from 10:00-10:50 Monday to Friday at the Craik School gym February to June. All are welcome.


The spring pedometer challenge results: 33 participants, 2 005 244 steps! Average number per week per person is 60 764 and average per person per day is 8 680 steps - a record high number for our challenges - fantastic walking this week, Craik! This challenge was held April 21-27, 2010.

The Family Fun Day Pedometer Challenge saw 21 people hand in their number of steps. The total steps by everyone for the week of Feb 7-13 was 815 413, which is about 652 km. Good walking!

Thank you to the 26 people who took part in the Dec 15-21 pedometer challenge. This week 1 226 705 steps (that's 981 km) were taken. That is an average of 47 181 steps per week (or 6 740 per day). The age of participants ranged from 9 to 81. Great walking, folks!

Results: by distance traveled, number of participants and age groups (pdfs).

Thank you to the 21 people who took the November 14-20, 2009 challenge! This week, just over 1 million steps were taken. To be exact, 1 024 709 steps were taken (that's 820 km). The average number of steps for the week were 48 796, or 6 970 per day. The target for a healthy, active adult is 10 000 steps a day. The age range of participants was from 6 to 81. We had a lot of new faces this time around.

Results: by distance traveled and number of participants (pdfs).

For each challenge, you must register at the beginning of the challenge.  I need to know your name, contact information, and age group.  If you need to borrow a pedometer, let me know that too.  The goal is to wear the pedometer for a full week (except when you are sleeping) and total the number of steps for the week. Email or phone your total to me at the end of the week.  The steps from all the participants will be added converted to km and a grand total for the community will be announced.

Previous challenges

In the fall of 2008, Craik had its first series of  pedometer challenges (a total of six over the fall and winter), which challenged community members to see how many steps they could take in one week.  The CSLP health committee owns 21 pedometers, bought with funding from the Craik Rec Board, and the Five Hills Health Region, which are available to borrow to residents of Craik & area for the pedometers challenges.

A single spring challenge was held in April 2009, before taking a break for the summer.

Age group of participants (pdf)
Number of participants (pdf)
Km  walked (pdf)


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